My first sip of ceremonial cacao felt very intuitive. Like a song that already danced in my heart. I felt a strong calling to share it with others; to incorporate this ancient wisdom in our modern life.

I felt passionate about all that cacao is and all I had to offer and wanted to learn more.

My background in Food Engineering and my spiritual interest allowed me to dive deep into the properties of cacao and its mind-body connection.

This entails its physiological effects, original spiritual uses and the process of harvesting the fruit to your cup. This search brought me to Guatemala, where I immersed myself in the Atitlan Lake’s energy and the profound teachings of the Mayan Cosmovition.

A vision formed very clearly: I wanted to make a difference and start a sustainable project by offering the medicinal power of ceremonial cacao. A project beyond fair trade, where growth will be accessible for all of us. Where we give back to Mother Earth so future generations can benefit from it. And most of all: where communities can live in better conditions.

In this quest, I came upon a fair trade project in Alta Verapaz, that was created to make a social impact and willing to expand their cacao export.

The project was exactly what I had envisioned and breathed fair trade in many ways: fair payment, the building of schools, actively improving women’s health education, a strong dental hygiene program and the openness towards scientific research.

Since March 2023 I have been working on my vision with Con Amor Cacao: a project that promotes awakening, reconnecting and gives back. I want to bring cacao to our daily life and respond to the call to connect with Mother Earth, to enhance people’s life with this Food of the Gods.

I believe that a better world starts with knowing yourself, your vision and your responsibility towards the footprint you leave behind.

We must live with an open heart, spread compassion, love and respect.